Acipex is the brand name for the proton pump inhibitor Rabeprazole which was manufactured and Developed by Eisai and co pharmaceuticals and marketed publicly by Janssen-cilag. The function of Aciphex in the body is to reduce the amount of acids being produced in the stomach (this is what proton Pump inhibitors are aimed at to help in ulcerated stomachs). By reducing the acid production in the Stomach, the proton pump inhibitors (Aciphex) reduces the level of acid that is present in the stomach thereby reducing the risk of the walls of the stomach and intestines being damaged. Aciphex is used in the treatment of gastric disorders (the diseases that has to do with the stomach and the gastrointestinal Tract) which is relieved by the decrease in acid secretion and acid levels. Aciphex is used in the treatment of GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease), gastric and duodenal ulcers, erosive esophagilitis and zollinger- Ellison syndrome (a pathologic condition where there is an increased secretion of stomach acid). Aciphex is also given in combination with antibiotics such as amoxicillin to prevent and treat gastric ulcer caused by the helicobacter pylori.
How Aciphex Works: Aciphex carries out its action by inhibiting the production and secretion of acid in the stomach, by decreasing the excess acid that is produced in the stomach, since Aciphex does not exhibit any anticholinergic effects or antagonist of H2 (histamine receptors antagonist) but rather Aciphex suppresses the secretion of acid in the stomach by blocking the stomach H+, K+ and ATPase which are located on the parietal cells in the stomach, since these enzymes are known as proton pump the group of drugs which Inhibit their action is known as proton pump inhibitors . Aciphex is effective in reducing and relieving the symptoms of GERD and ulcers. The symptoms which are treated by Aciphex include; heartburn and regurgitation, though these are the symptoms of GERD when Aciphex is used for the treatment these symptoms are relieved. When Aciphex is taken and it gets to the stomach, it is accumulated in the stomach and is then transformed to active Sulfenamide. Aciphex is chemically very active at a pH of 1.2 and has a half life of about two minutes.
Who Should Take Aciphex: The normal dosage of Aciphex is given in tablets. If you are older than eighteen years of age, you can take Aciphex 20mg in a day to treat daytime heartburn or even night time heartburn which is the most common symptoms of reflux diseases. This drug is also the drug of choice for the treatment of damaged Stomach wall that is as a result of erosive form of GERD . This treatment usually takes about four to eight weeks to make any noticeable changes in the walls of the stomach. Aciphex can also be used in treating children with the same symptoms caused by the gastrointestinal acidity but the dosage given to children is less than that for the adults and it is best to take the doctor`s recommendation before administering this drug in children.
Possible Adverse Effects Of Aciphex: The possible adverse effects of Aciphex include; diarrhea, meteorism, change in appetite , either increased or decreased, vomiting, nausea, constipation, headache, abdominal pain, anxiety, pain in the muscles, vertigo, skin eruptions, granulocytopenia, arthralgia (pain in the joints), swollen face, swollen tongue, breathing difficulty, leukocytopenia and erythema. When you notice some of these symptoms mentioned above while using Aciphex it is the right to see your doctor immediately. This drug is contraindicated in people with renal insufficiency (problem with kidneys). The use of Aciphex has been proven to be effective for GERD, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.